Our Services
Did you know that planning for college or a career is a journey that begins in elementary school? Students need a personal academic coach/mentor to help encourage and guide them along their academic journey. It may be a simple task such as learning how to organize a binder, ways to study for an exam or completing financial aid papers for college.
Mvita Educational Consulting will visit with the student and parents (or guardians) to develop a program that best fits their needs. Mvita Educational Consulting offers premium mentoring services utilizing Zoom/Skype, phone, or face to face sessions.
Below are a few of the services available.
Preparing for College
Birkman Career Assessment
Learning Style Inventory
Study and Organizational Skills
Reading and Writing Strategies
Test Taking Strategies
Time Management
Design Your Own Custom Program
To schedule a discovery call to learn more about Mvita Educational Consulting and our services, visit www.mvitaeducationalconsulting.com.