Got Questions?
We Have Answers.

What is a Success Coach?
* An educator who has taught high school and college students and knows challenges and obstacles college students experience
* An educator who will work closely with you to formulate good study habits and organizational skills.
*An experienced educator to help you adjust to college life to help you fulfill your goals.
* An educator who understands assessment and helps to identify non-cognitive factors affecting student success
How much does a success coach cost?
* There is a free 30-minute consultation with the student and parent. Student needs vary. We have several educational plans available for you to choose depending on the results of a needs assessment.
Where will my coaching take place?
*Coaching will take place online (Zoom or Skype) or in a face-to-face public environment.
Do I have to wait until a new semester to get started with an academic coach?
*Of course not. Complete the “Contact Us” below and a success coach will contact you to set up the initial interview.
I am only in middle school. Can I participate in the program?
* Absolutely. Research indicates that college preparedness should begin in middle school. Mastering successful strategies at an early age will foster success in high school and in college. Success coaching is available to middle school, high school, and college students.